Mardi Gras Mask
This is the weekly challenge from Graphic
Buds Graphic Challenge.
Completed 6/4/02
What I Did
- Using vectors... Selected shapes ellipse, drew the outer edge of mask.
Selected with magic wand and saved to alpha channel.
- Using vectors.. Selected shapes - ellipse, drew eyes and mouth. Selected
with magic wand and saved to alpha channel.
- On new image, 420 X450 - transparent. Flood filled background with color I
wanted background to be
- On new layer selected mask from alpha channel and flood filled with
- Resized picture to 30%
- Applied Effects>3D> Inner Bevel (Settings: #2(round) bevel,
width-30, smoothness-10, Depth-12, Ambience-0,Shininess-54, Color -#F2CEC6.
Angle-45, Intensity,-25, Elevation 50)
- New layer - loaded eyes and mouth from alpha channel and floodfilled with
- Added frame and bevel
to Graphic Bud Page
Created 6/4/02
Updated 6/8/02