Welcome to my Graphic Buds Workspace

The goal of Graphic Buds is  to provide a place where  members can first and foremost have fun. We learn through  tutorials and pick up some great tips n' tricks. Also, we have a place to proudly display what we have created. Our forum is where we can "talk" to our fellow members, share  ideas, make suggestions, join in on activities, contests and challenges.  Resources galore are provided so that we may obtain the necessary tools we need along the way.

Basic Classes

Week 1
Screen Capture,
Compression, File Saving, Fonts
Week 2

The Tool Palette & Tool Options

Week 3

Working in Layers & Tubing

Week 4
Making Good Transparencies & Transparent Heart
Regular Classes
Week 1 Week 2
Lesson 1 Watermarking Your Photo

Lesson 2
Playing With Effects in PSP

Lesson 3
Getting Your "Fill" of PSP

Lesson 4

Week 3 Week 4
Lesson 5
Making Rugs

Lesson 6
Making Wall Hangings

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Week 5
Lesson 9:  Filing Cabinet - Doors - Windows -
Lesson 10 - Cabinets and Wall Units - Dressers - Country Bed
Week 6
Lesson 11 - Sinks, Le' Toilet
Lesson 12 - Old Fashioned Tub

Week 7

Lesson 13A
Country Wallpaper Tiles

Lesson 13B
Country Buttons

Lesson 14A
Towel & Towel Rack

Lesson 14B
Country Quilting


Week 8

Lesson 15
Make A Basket

Lesson 15B

Lesson 16
Swinging Crow

Week 9 Week 10
Lesson 17

Lesson 18
Grapevine Heart

Lesson 19
Fruit Bowl

Lesson 20
Vector Columns


Below are some other things I have completed with Graphic Buds Tutorials

Perspective Shadowing

Interactive Puzzle

Mardi Gras Mask


July Challenge
Dog Days of Summer

Drawing Faces



Created June 8, 2002